A basic first-aid manual
At least 1 pair of bandage scissors
At least 1 pair of splinter forceps
Several pairs of disposable gloves
A disposable protective device used for cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Individually wrapped sterile adhesive bandages of various shapes and sizes
Sterile gauze compresses (102 mm × 102 mm)
Individually wrapped sterile bandage compresses
Roll of hypoallergenic adhesive tape (25 mm × 9 m)
Rolls of sterile gauze bandage (50 mm × 9 m and 102 mm × 9 m)
Eye bandages
Individually wrapped antiseptic swabs to disinfect hands
Alcohol swabs to disinfect instruments
At least one digital thermometer with disposable tips to take axillary temperature
Triangular bandages
Safety pins
Sealable plastic bags to hold contaminated objects